12 April 2020

Plus or Minus: Fudge Podcast

I don't know how many fudge-related podcasts there are, but as of this writing I know of only one Fudge-related RPG podcast: Plus or Minus. It is hosted by Troy Truchon, who offers observations of the world of Fudge gaming and interviews with creators in the community. We need more of this, and to encourage it, I've added a list gizmo to Creative Reckoning entitled "Just Podcast It!" after the "Web Log Roll Call." (Speaking of the latter, I would be happy to add new Fudge-centric Web logs to this list.) So, if you or anyone you know is podcasting regularly about Fudge or Fudge-based games, please let me know and I shall help spread the word.

Plus or Minus also has a Facebook page, Plus or Minus Podcast; and a Twitter account, @plusorminus_pod.

09 April 2020

Universal Called Shot Table

When your role-playing game of choice lacks rules for called shots, or its rules are cumbersome or unsatisfactory concerning the deliberate targeting of specific hit locations, consider using the Universal Called Shot Table. Utilizing only a single Fudge die, this simple option can be used with any role-playing game. Anytime a character makes a successful attack on an opponent and decides to hit a specific location, merely roll 1dF (one Fudge die) and consult the table below:

Universal Called Shot Table
+Attacker names hit location struck.
0Defender names hit location struck.

As you can see, there is an added element of risk when attempting to make difficult shots. For a 1 in 3 chance of hitting one’s opponent exactly where desired, the price is a 1 in 3 chance of missing the opponent entirely.

This is an option for reflecting the difficulty of hitting small targets in the midst of combat, which at the same time preserves the possibility of causing the full range of damage, from a graze to a lethal wound, by separating the called shot mechanics from the attack and damage roll mechanics.

I haven’t playtested this yet, since I just thought of it. If you try it, please let me know!

[Originally posted in Fudgery.net/fudgerylog on 7 May 2011.]

07 April 2020

Comfy Trait Ladders 2

It is all well and good to rename levels of the trait ladder in order to maximize emotional comfort (q.v.), but some may find the notion of describing "Poor" as "Fine" to be a trifle too cloying. To amend this (and simultaneously tilt the ladder even more toward the positive pole), a new and improved optimistic “trait ladder” has been devised, known as…

The New & Improved Optimistic Trait Ladder

Fudge Traits#Optimistic Traits
Good+1Very Fine!
Mediocre-1Somewhat Fine!
Poor-2Marginally Fine!
Terrible-3Almost Marginally Fine!

As you can see, the less wonderful levels have been renamed to reflect their decreased desirability, and the upper levels have been lifted to the loftier heights they deserve. Also suitable for game adaptations of Candide.

[Originally posted in Fudgery.net/fudgerylog on 31 August 2011.]

05 April 2020

Comfy Trait Ladders

For those players who are disturbed by the idea of selecting a skill or attribute at a beginner’s level of competency due to the perceived stigma attached to not being an expert in all things, and for those GMs who haven’t the heart to describe a player’s failures in negative terms, I offer the following optional trait ladder scientifically designed to remove the taint of merely fair performances, general mediocrity, poor self image, and consequences deemed “terrible.” Instead, all trait levels are specially chosen to encourage positive reinforcement and cushion the trauma of disappointment. In fact, I predict the next step in the evolution of role-playing will be to eliminate the possibility of failure entirely! Won’t that be exciting?

The Positive Reinforcement Trait Ladder

Fudge Traits#Happy Positive Traits :-)

Alternatively, for those who have difficulty memorizing words, I present…

The Good Trait Ladder

Fudge Traits#Good Traits

As you can see, there is only one word in this trait ladder, modified upwards by adding exclamation points and downwards by adding vowels. In play, exclamation points are vocalized by increasing volume accordingly, and additional vowels are expressed by lengthening the word as it is spoken. It is nothing if not Goooood.

[Originally posted in Fudgery.net/fudgerylog on 30 August 2011.]

04 April 2020

Bookmark This: Character Monologue

One of the lost articles from my old Fudgerylog site was entitled "Soliloquize Now!" I still like the title, and it may have been one of my better pieces on the subject of practical role-playing advice (or maybe not), but it is gone and mostly forgotten except for a link to an article I admired, "Character Monologue: Tell Us What It's Like to Be You" from ars ludi. So, read that article instead and let it inspire you as it did me.