In alpha-numeric order
Most role-playing games use a predetermined set of traits for the purpose of comparing and contrasting the basic capabilities of characters. Unlike skills or special abilities, these attributes are inherent in all characters to varying degrees and tend to be static or difficult to improve. The attributes specified in a role-playing game are often indicative of the personality and style of the game, and some games choose a term other than "attributes" to describe the concept, such as "abilities," "characteristics," "statistics," "stats," etc. The purpose of this list is to catalogue the ways different games and game systems use attributes to define characters at a fundamental level. Whether this has an effect on the manner in which a game is perceived or played is left to the reader to decide.
Those interested in learning more about the games and publishers in this list are directed to John H. Kim's excellent game resource Web sites, the Encyclopedia of RPGs, and the List of RPG Companies, both of which were helpful in the compilation of this list.
The information in this list was compiled using my own collection of games, the aforementioned Web sites, character sheets I have printed or downloaded from various Web sites (usually available for free from the publisher's Web site or, game reviews, and friends' games. I would like to thank everyone who has made this information available.
There are some gaps in this list. In some cases, there are games whose attributes or even publishers have changed from edition to edition, and I do not have the resources to track and identify every publisher of every edition of every game. There are, of course, entire games missing as well. If you have any missing data you would like to share, please leave a comment below.
Gordon A. Cooper
27 November 2004
2300 A.D. (GDW): Size, Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Determination, Intelligence, Eloquence, Education, Constitution, Life
Aberrant (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Abyss (Global Games): Physical, Mental, Magical
A.C.E. Agents! (Stellar Games): Strength, Dexterity, Fitness, Intellect, Will, Perception, Attractiveness, Public Relations
Action! System (Gold Rush Games): Strength, Reflexes, Health, Presence, Intellect, Will
Active Exploits (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons [see Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced]
Advanced Fighting Fantasy [see Fighting Fantasy, Advanced]
Adventure! Tales of the Aeon Society (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Adventures in Fantasy (Adventure Games, Inc.): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, Constitution, Stamina, Health
Adventures in Oz (F. Douglas Wall): Athletics, Awareness, Brains, Sneaking, Presence, Wits
The Adventures of Indiana Jones (TSR): Strength, Movement, Prowess, Backbone, Instinct, Appeal
Aftermath! (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Wit, Will, Strength, Deftness, Speed, Health
After the Bomb (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Agent S.E.V.E.N. (Deep7): Fitness, Looks, Finesse, Brains
Age of Empire (Epitaph Studios): Mind, Body, Spirit
Agone (Multisim): Agility, Perception, Strength, Stamina, Intelligence, Will, Charisma, Creativity
Airship Daedalus (Deep7): Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower
Airship Pirates (Cubicle 7 Entertainment): Strength, Dexterity, Fortitude, Presence, Wits, Resolve
Aliens Adventure Game (Leading Edge Games): Strength, Intelligence, Will, Health, Agility
Alien: The Roleplaying Game (Free League Publishing): Strength, Agility, Wits, Empathy
All-Adventure Action Roleplay Game! (Taupe Games): Brain, Muscle, Heart, Soul, Legs, Hands, Senses, Mouth
All Flesh Must Be Eaten (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
All for One: Régime Diabolique (Triple Ace Games): Body, Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Willpower
Alma Mater (Oracle Games Ltd.): Strength, Coordination, Appearance, Intelligence, Learning Drive, Courage, Willpower, Constitution
Alternity (TSR): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Will, Personality
Amazing Engine (TSR): Physique, Intellect, Spirit, Influence, Fitness, Reflexes, Learning, Intuition, Psyche, Willpower, Charm, Position
Amber (Phage Press): Psyche, Strength, Endurance, Warfare
Ancient Odysseys: Treasure Awaits! (Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Reasoning
Angel (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. (Third Eye Games): Power, Agility, Vigor, Intellect, Insight, Charm
Archangel (Visionary Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Stamina, Intelligence, Focus, Awareness, Appearance, Charisma
Arduin Adventure (Grimoire Games): Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Ego, Charisma
Arduin Grimoire (Grimoire Games): Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Ego, Agility, Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Mechanical Ability, Swimming Ability
ArmadaX (ThreeSixty Publishing): Body, Mind, Soul
Armageddon: The End Times (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Arrowflight (Deep7): Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Willpower, Perception, Intelligence, Spirit, Mana
Ars Magica (Lion Rampant; White Wolf; Atlas Games): Intelligence, Perception, Strength, Stamina, Presence, Communication, Dexterity, Quickness
a/state (Contested Ground Studios): Agility, Dexterity, Health, Strength, Awareness, Intelligence, Personality, Willpower
Asylum (Clockworks Games): Lucidity, Fluidity, Aura, Zeal, Movement
Atomic Highway (Radioactive Ape Designs): Muscle, Understanding, Tenacity, Appeal, Nimbleness, Toughness, Senses
Attack of the Humans (Rapport Games): Brains, Fitness, Common Sense
The Authority (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Awfully Cheerful Engine! (EN Publishing): Smarts, Moves, Style, Brawn
The Babylon Project (Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc.): Charm, Finesse, Presence, Interrelation, Intelligence, Insight, Wits, Perception, Psionic, Strength, Agility, Endurance, Coordination
Barbarians of Lemuria (Beyond Belief Games): Strength, Agility, Mind, Appeal
Barbarians Versus.... (Mystic Ages Online): Smash, Throw, Feet, Craftiness, Contemplating
BASH! (Basic Action Games): Brawn, Agility, Mind
Basic Role-Playing (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Charisma
Basic Role-Playing, 2008 Edition (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Appearance
Battleforce Bravo (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century (SSDC, Inc.): Strength, Manual Dexterity, I.Q., Agility, Constitution, Aggression, Intuition, Charisma
Battlestar Galactica (Margaret Weis Productions): Strength, Agility, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence, Willpower
BattleTech: A Time of War [see A Time of War]
Beach Bunny Bimbos with Blasters (Tri Tac Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Agility, Dexterity, Accuracy, Stealth, Body Points
Bean! (Fabled Worlds Games): Body, Mind, Spirit
Beast Hunters (Berengad Games): [no standard attributes]
Beyond the Supernatural (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Biff! Bam! Boom! (Entropy Games): Strength, Intelligence, Will, Dexterity, Constitution, Personality, Vitality
Bifrost (DAVCO Productions): Strength, Constitution, Health, Dexterity, Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Reactions, Size, Intellect, Reason, Observation, Intuition, Instinct, Concentration, Accuracy, Wisdom, Inspiration, Memory
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Blade Runner: The Roleplaying Game (Free League Publishing): Strength, Agility, Wits, Empathy
Blood Dawn (SSDC, Inc.): Strength, Manual Dexterity, I.Q., Agility, Constitution, Guts Intuition, Charisma
Bloode Island (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Blood Games (Flying Mice): Strength, Coordination, Agility, Endurance, IQ, Psionics, Rank, Charisma
Blood of Heroes (Pulsar Games, Inc.): Dexterity, Strength, Body, Intelligence, Willpower, Mind, Influence, Aura, Spirit
Blue Planet (Biohazard Games): Build, Fitness, Agility, Dexterity, Awareness (Chemical, Hearing, Intuition, Touch, Vision), Intellect, Presence, Will
Blue Planet: Recontact (Gallant Knight Games): Cognition, Psyche, Coordination, Physique
Bob, Lord of Evil (Peregrine): Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma, Mystic, Strength, Dexterity, Fitness, Appearance
Bold & Brave (Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
The Boomtown Planet (Better Mousetrap Games; Timeless Games): Strength, Endurance, Fortitude, Perception, Essence, Agility
Boot Hill, 1st Edition (TSR): Speed, Gun Accuracy, Throwing Accuracy, Bravery, Strength
Boot Hill, 2nd Edition (TSR): Speed, Accuracy, Strength, Bravery, Experience
Boot Hill, 3rd Edition (TSR): Strength, Coordination, Observation, Stature, Luck
Broadsword (Deep7): Brawn, Personality, Perception, Knowledge
Broken Compass (Two Little Mice; CMON Ltd.): Action, Guts, Knowledge, Society, Wild, Crime
Brute Squad (Cutter's Guild Games): Brutality, Brutelligence, Brutimidation
Bubblegum Crisis (R. Talsorian Games): Intelligence, Willpower, Personality, Technique, Reflexes, Dexterity, Constitution, Strength, Body, Movement
Buck Rogers Adventure Game (TSR): Aim, Brains, Health, Strength
Buck Rogers XXVc (TSR): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Tech
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Buggin' (Deep7): Toughness, Craftiness, Looks, Brains
Bulldogs! (Galileo Games): [no standard attributes]
Bunnies & Burrows (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Speed, Smell, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma
Bunnies & Burrows (Frog God Games): Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Agility, Constitution, Mysticism, Smell, Charisma
Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic (Tri Tac Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Luck, Charisma, Throw, Accuracy, Dodge, Hit Points, Sensitivity, Magic Resistance, Piety, Magic, Psionics, Mental Stability
Burning Empires (Key 20): Will, Perception, Agility, Speed, Power, Forte, Steel, Resources, Circles
Burning Wheel (Key 20): Will, Perception, Power, Forte, Agility, Speed, Health, Steel
Bushido (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Deftness, Speed, Health, Wit, Will
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (GDW): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Charisma, Intelligence, Education
Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Charisma, Education, Sanity
Cartoon Action Hour (Z-Man Games & Spectrum Game Studios): [no standard attributes]
Castles & Crusades (Troll Lord Games): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma
The Challenges Game System (Challenges International Inc.): Muscle, Dexterity, Stamina, Willpower, Wisdom, Charisma
Champions (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Changeling: The Dreaming (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Changeling: The Lost (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Children of the Sun (Misguided Games, Inc.): Strength, Agility, Vigor, Focus, Perception, Discipline, Charm, Leadership, Ferocity
Chill (Pacesetter, Ltd.): Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Personality, Willpower, Perception, Luck, Stamina
Chivalry & Sorcery Essence (Britannia Game Designs Ltd.): Strength, Constitution, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Discipline, Appearance, Bardic Voice, Piety
Chivalry & Sorcery (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Bardic Voice, Intelligence, Wisdom, Appearance, Charisma, Alignment
City of Brass (Anvilwerks): Strength, Endurance, Health, Nobility, Reason, Camaraderie
CJ Carella's WitchCraft (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Classic Traveller [see Traveller, Classic]
Cold City (Contested Ground Studios): Action, Reason, Influence
Cold Space (Flying Mice): Strength, Coordination, Agility, Endurance, Charisma, I.Q., Luck
Colonial Gothic (Rogue Games): Might, Nimble, Vigor, Reason, Resolution
The Colonies (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Strength, Dexterity, Perception, Reasoning, Willpower, Psionics
The Comics Code (Simon Burley Productions): Health, Status, Heroism
Conan, Robert E. Howard's [see Robert E. Howard's Conan]
Conan Role-Playing Game (TSR): Prowess, Fighting, Endurance, Knowledge, Perception, Insight
Conspiracy X (New Millenium; Eden Studios): Strength, Size, Agility, Reflexes, Intelligence, Willpower, Perception, Good Luck, Bad Luck, Influence
Contenders (Prince of Darkness Games): Pain, Hope, Cash, Rep, Technique, Cover, Power, Conditioning
Continuum: Role-playing in the Yet (Aetherco): Body, Mind, Quick
Coriolis The Third Horizon (Free League Publishing): Strength, Agility, Wits, Empathy
Corporation (Core Games Publishing Ltd.; Brutal Games): Strength, Endurance, Agility, Reflexes, Perception, Intelligence, Presence
CORPS (BTRC): Strength, Agility, Awareness, Will, Health, Power
Cortex System Role Playing Game (Margaret Weiss Productions): Agility, Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence, Willpower
Coyote Trail (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
Creeks and Crawdads (Crustaceum Games): Strength, Dexterity, Fighting Ability, Tool Use, Intelligence, Awareness, Constitution, Armor Protection, Speed
Crime Fighter (Task Force Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma
Crimson Cutlass (Better Games): Dashing, Cunning, Stout, Lordly
Cyber Hero (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Cyberpunk (R. Talsorian Games): Intelligence, Reflexes, Tech, Cool, Attractiveness, Luck, Movement Allowance, Body, Empathy
Cyberpunk Red (R. Talsorian Games): Intelligence, Willpower, Cool, Empathy, Technique, Reflex, Luck, Body, Dexterity, Movement
Cyborg Commando (New Infinities Productions Inc.): Mental, Neural, Physical
CyborGladiators (Firefly Games): Strength, Reflexes, Health, Mind
Cypher System (Monte Cook Games): Might, Speed, Intellect
D6 Adventure (West End Games): Reflexes, Coordination, Physique, Knowledge, Perception, Presence, Extranormal
D6 Classic [see The D6 System]
D6 Fantasy (West End Games): Agility, Coordination, Physique, Intellect, Acumen, Charisma, Extranormal
D6 Legend (West End Games): Reflexes, Coordination, Physique, Knowledge, Perception, Presence
D6 Space (West End Games): Agility, Strength, Mechanical, Knowledge, Perception, Technical, Extranormal
The D6 System (West End Games): Strength, Reflexes, Coordination, Perception, Reasoning, Knowledge
d20 System (Wizards of the Coast): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Daisho: Samurai Adventure (Deep7): Sturdiness, Appearance, Guile, Mind
Dallas (SPI): Power, Persuasion, Coercion, Seduction, Investigation, Luck
Danger International (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Dangerous Journeys (GDW): Mnemonic Capacity, Mnemonic Power, Mnemonic Speed, Reasoning Capacity, Reasoning Power, Reasoning Speed, Muscular Capacity, Muscular Power, Muscular Speed, Neural Capacity, Neural Power, Neural Speed, Metaphysical Capacity, Metaphysical Power, Metaphysical Speed, Psychic Capacity, Psychic Power, Psychic Speed
Daredevils (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Wit, Will, Strength, Deftness, Speed, Health
Daring Tales (Triple Ace Games): Agility, Smarts, Strength, Spirit, Vigor
Dark Ages (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
The Dark Eye (Ulisses Spiele GmbH): Courage, Sagacity, Intuition, Charisma, Dexterity, Agility, Constitution, Strength
Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein (Cubicle 7 Entertainment): Strength, Dexterity, Fortitude, Presence, Wits, Resolve
Dark Heresy (Black Industries): Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, Fellowship
Darksword Adventures (Bantam/Spectra): Combat, Prowess, Information, Shape, Life
Dawn Patrol (TSR): [no standard attributes]
DC Heroes Role Playing Game (Mayfair Games, Inc.): Dexterity, Strength, Body, Intelligence, Willpower, Mind, Influence, Aura, Spirit
DC Universe (West End Games): Reflexes, Coordination, Physique, Knowledge, Perception, Presence
deadEarth (Anarchy inK Corporation): Strength, Moves, Resiliency, Renown, Shielding
Dead Inside: The Roleplaying Game of Loss & Redemption (Atomic Sock Monkey Press): [no standard attributes]
Dead Lands (Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.): Cognition, Deftness, Knowledge, Mien, Nimbleness, Quickness, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor
Dead of Night (Steampower Publishing): Identify/Obscure, Persuade/Dissuade, Pursue/Escape, Assault/Protect
Deathstalkers (Cutter's Guild Games): Knowledge, Mental Tolerance, Leadership, Courage, Strength, Endurance, Beauty, Agility, Speed, Hit Points
Demon City Shinjuku (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Diana: Warrior Princess (Heliograph): Animal Handler, Artist, Athlete, Charisma, Computers, Driving, Healing, Luck, Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Mystic Power, Science, Speed, Strength, Thief, Thinking
Disaster! (Deep7): Fitness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Demon: The Fallen (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Dime Heroes (Deep7): Moxie, Glitz, Cunning, Gray Matter
Dinky Dungeons (Doc's Games): Physical, Mental
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (Cubicle 7 Entertainment): Strength, Coordination, Awareness, Ingenuity, Resolve, Presence
The Doctor Who Role Playing Game (FASA Corporation): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Charisma, Mentality, Intuition
Dominion Rules (Dominion Games): Vigour, Agility, Stamina, Intuition, Intellect, Luck
Dominion Tank Police (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Donjon (Anvilwerks): Virility, Cerebrality, Discernment, Adroitness, Wherewithal, Sociality
Don't Rest Your Head (Evil Hat Productions): [no standard attributes]
Dragon Age (Green Ronin Publishing): Communication, Constitution, Cunning, Dexterity, Magic, Perception, Strength, Willpower
Dragonball Z (R. Talsorian Games): Mental, Physical, Combat, Move
DragonQuest (SPI): Physical Strength, Agility, Magic Aptitude, Manual Dexterity, Endurance, Willpower, Perception, Physical Beauty
Dragon Warriors (Corgi Books; Mongoose Publishing/Flaming Cobra; Magnum Opus Press): Strength, Reflexes, Intelligence, Psychic Talent, Looks
Dreamwalker (Lucid Entertainment): Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Acumen, Appearance, Reason, Perception, Health, Defense, Reflex, Charisma, Persuasion, Wisdom, Creativity, Courage, Sanity
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium (Modiphius Entertainment): Battle, Communicate, Discipline, Move, Understand
Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium (Last Unicorn Games): Physique, Coordination, Intellect, Charisma, Prescience
Dungeon Crawl Classics (Goodman Games): Strength, Agility, Stamina, Personality, Intelligence, Luck
Dungeons & Dragons, Original (TSR): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced, 1st & 2nd Editions (TSR): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Comeliness
Dungeons & Dragons, 3rd - 5th Editions (Wizards of the Coast): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
The Dying Earth (Pelgrane Press): [no standard attributes]
EABA (BTRC): Strength, Agility, Health, Awareness, Will, Fate
EarthAD.2 (Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
Earthdawn (FASA Corporation; Living Room Games): Dexterity, Strength, Toughness, Perception, Willpower, Charisma
Eldritch Ass Kicking (Key 20 Publishing; Mystic Ages Online): Agility, Endurance, Concentration
El-Hazard (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
ElfQuest (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Appearance
Elric of Melniboné (Mongoose Publishing): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Size, Intelligence, Power, Charisma
Empire of the Petal Throne (TSR): Strength, Intelligence, Constitution, Psychic Ability, Dexterity, Comeliness
The End of the World (Fantasy Flight Games): Dexterity, Vitality, Logic, Willpower, Charisma, Empathy
Enforcers (21st Century Games; Twenty-First Century Games): Weight, Strength, Constitution, Agility/Dexterity, Intelligence, Comeliness, Media Rating
En Garde! (GDW): Strength, Expertise, Constitution
Enterprise: Role Play Game in Star Trek (Tsukuda Hobby): Strength, Dexterity, I.Q., Charisma, Luck
Epiphany (BTRC): Physical, Mental, Spiritual
Espionage (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Everway (Wizards of the Coast): Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Exalted (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Excursion into the Bizarre (Blind Dog Games): Strength, Constitution, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom/Intuition
Ex Machina (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Exosuit A-OK (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
The Expanse Roleplaying Game (Green Ronin Publishing): Accuracy, Communication, Constitution, Dexterity, Fighting, Intelligence, Perception, Strength, Willpower
Expendables (Stellar Games): Strength, Dexterity, Brains, Charisma, Fitness, Luck
The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen (Hogshead Publishing): [no standard attributes]
Extreme Vengeance (Archangel Games): Guts, Coincidence
Fading Suns (Holistic Design): Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Wits, Perception, Tech
Faery's Tale (Firefly Games): Body, Mind, Spirit
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment): Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck
Fantasy Hero (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
The Fantasy System [Naked Sword, Paths of Sorcery, Thieves' Guild] (Gamelords Ltd.): Strength, Coordination, Reflexes, Stamina, Intelligence, Discretion, Talent, Magic Resistance, Magnetism, Appearance
The Fantasy Trip (Metagaming): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Movement Allowance
Fantasy Wargaming (Stein and Day): Physique, Agility, Endurance, Charisma, Greed, Selfishness, Lust, Bravery, Intelligence, Faith, Social Class
Far Away Land (Simian Circle Games): Brute, Dexterity, Wits
FATE (Evil Hat Productions): [no standard attributes]
Fates Worse Than Death (Vajra Enterprises): Agility, Awareness, Charm, Endurance, Intelligence, Speed, Strength, Willpower, Blood, Body, Incapacity
Fear Itself (Pelgrane Press): [no standard attributes]
Feng Shui (Atlas Games): Body, Chi, Mind, Reflexes
Fighting Fantasy (Penguin Books): Skill, Stamina, Luck
Fighting Fantasy, Advanced (Arion Games): Skill, Stamina, Luck, Magic
Fireborn (Fantasy Flight Games): Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Flash Gordon & the Warriors of Mongo (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Physical Strength & Stamina, Combat Skill, Charisma/Attractiveness, Scientific Aptitude
Flashing Blades (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Wit, Charm, Luck
Flatland [see The Original Flatland Role Playing Game]
Forbidden Lands (Free League Publishing): Strength, Agility, Wits, Empathy
Forge: Out of Chaos (Basement Games Unlimited): Strength, Stamina, Intellect, Insight, Dexterity, Awareness
Forgotten Futures (Marcus L. Rowland): Body, Mind, Soul
Forward... to Adventure! (Flying Mice): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Freedom Fighters (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Health, Intelligence, Memory, Perception, Wit, Will, Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Reactions
Fringeworthy, 1982 Edition (Tri Tac Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Luck, Charisma, Throw, Accuracy, Dodge, Hit Points
Fringeworthy, 1992 Edition (Tri Tac Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Luck, Charisma, Throw, Accurancy, Dodge, Hit Points, Ability to Deal with Aliens, Alien Technology Use, Crystal Use, Psionics, Mental Stability, Standing
Fudge (Wild Mule Games; Grey Ghost Press, Inc.): [no standard attributes]
Full Clip (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Fushigi Yugi (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Fuzion (Fuzion Labs Group): Intelligence, Willpower, Presence, Technique, Reflexes, Dexterity, Constitution, Strength, Body, Movement
Gamma World (TSR): Mental Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, Physical Strength, Charisma, Constitution
Gangbusters (TSR): Muscle, Agility, Observation, Presence, Driving, Luck
Gangster! (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Intelligence, Dexterity, Strength, Personality, Loyalty, Agility, Luck/Intuition
Gardasiyal (Theatre of the Mind's Eye): Height, Build, Strength, H-B-S Factor, Dexterity, Intelligence, Psychic Ability, Psychic Reservoir, Power Points, Comeliness, Charisma
Gatecrasher, 1st Edition (Hot Tub Dragon Games): Coordination, Aerial Coordination, Physical Strength, Mental Strength, Knowledge, Reason, Channeling
Gatecrasher, 2nd Edition (Grey Ghost Press, Inc.): Awareness, Constitution, Dexterity, Id, Reason, Strength
Geist: The Sin Eaters (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
genreDiversion (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Empathy, Reasoning, Willpower
Genesys (Fantasy Flight Games): Brawn, Agility, Intellect, Cunning, Willpower, Presence
genreDiversion i (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
Ghostbusters (West End Games): Brains, Muscles, Moves, Cool
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Ghostories (Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
G.I. Joe Roleplaying Game (Renegade Game Studios): Strength, Speed, Smarts, Social
Godlike (Hobgoblynn Press; Arc Dream Publishing): Body, Coordination, Brains, Command, Cool, Sense
Golden Heroes (Games Workshop): Ego, Strength, Dexterity, Vigour
GORE (Goblinoid Games): Strength, Constitution, Size, Dexterity, Intelligence, Power, Charisma
Grimm (Fantasy Flight Games): Cool, Pluck, Imagination, Luck, Muscle
GURPS (Steve Jackson Games): Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, Health
HackMaster, "4th Edition" (Kenzer & Co.): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Comeliness, Honor
HackMaster, "5th Edition" (Kenzer & Co.): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Looks, Charisma
HardNova II (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
HarnMaster, 1st Edition (Columbia Games, Inc.): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Speed, Eyesight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Touch, Voice, Intelligence, Aura, Will, Morality, Piety
HarnMaster, 2nd Edition (Columbia Games, Inc.): Strength, Endurance, Stamina, Dexterity, Agility, Eyesight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Voice, Intelligence, Aura, Will, Morality, Piety
HarnMaster, 3rd Edition (Columbia Games, Inc.): Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Agility, Eyesight, Hearing, Smell, Voice, Intelligence, Aura, Will, Morality, Piety
HarnMaster Gold (Kelestia Productions): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Speed, Eyesight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Touch, Voice, Intelligence, Aura, Will, Morality, Piety
Haven: City of Violence (Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Inc.): Strength, Will, Agility, Stamina, Intelligence, Perception
Hawkmoon (Mongoose Publishing): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Size, Intelligence, Power, Charisma
Hearts and Souls (Better Mousetrap Games; Silver Lion Studios): Might, Deftness, Resilience, Brains, Prowess, Resolve
Heaven & Earth (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Hellcats and Hockeysticks (Corone Design; Cubicle 7 Entertainment): [no standard attributes]
Hellsing (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Hercules & Xena (West End Games): Coordination, Endurance, Reflexes, Strength, Awareness, Charisma, Knowledge, Mettle
Here Come the Monsters (Deep7): Hugeness, Craftiness
Heroes (Tabletop Games): Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Charisma, Combat Value
Heroes & Heroines (Excel Marketing): Bench Press Weight, IQ, Reflexes, Agility, Stamina
Heroes of Olympus (Task Force Games): [optional attributes include Great Beauty, Great Strength, Great Speed, Excellent Vision, Excellent Hearing]
Heroes Unlimited (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Hero Force (Deep7): Might, Looks, Guile, Brains
HeroQuest (Issaries, Inc.): [no standard attributes]
Hero System (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Hero Wars (Issaries, Inc.): [no standard attributes]
Hexicon Fantasy Roleplay (Hexicon Press LLP): Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Soul-Strength, Will, Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, Touch, Appearance, Size
H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
High Adventure Cliffhangers: The Buck Rogers Adventure Game (TSR): Strength, Aim, Brains, Health
High Adventure Role Playing (Iron Crown Enterprises): Strength, Constitution, Agility, Quickness, Self Discipline, Reasoning, Intuition, Presence
Hollow Earth Expedition (Exile Game Studio, LLC): Body, Dexterity, Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, Willpower
Holy Lands: The Christian Role-Playing Game (Faith Quest Games): Intellect, Wisdom, Patience, Strength, Agility, Speed, Endurance, Beauty, Charisma
Hong Kong Action Theatre, 2nd Edition (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Honor + Intrigue (Basic Action Games): Might, Daring, Savvy, Flair
Horror Rules (Crucifiction Games): Bulk, Brains, Coordination, Will
Hot Chicks (Dakkar Unlimited): Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, Perception
Household (Two Little Mice): Society, Academia, War, Street
Hunter Planet (HPAC): Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, Intelligence, Constitution, General Knowledge
Hunter: The Reckoning (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Hunter: The Vigil (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Hybrid: The Transformation (Visionary Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Stamina, Intelligence, Focus, Awareness, Appearance, Charisma
Hyper-Killer (Minion Games): Brains, Cool, Dexterity, Power
ICONS (Adament Entertainment/Cubicle 7 Entertainment): Prowess, Coordination, Strength, Intellect, Awareness, Willpower
Idyll Romantic Fantasy (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Immortal: The Invisible War (Precedence Entertainment): Resolve, Force, Expertise, Movement, Awareness, Resilience
Impresa (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence, Luck
Infinity (Modiphius Entertainment): Agility, Awareness, Brawn, Coordination, Intelligence, Personality, Willpower
In Nomine (Steve Jackson Games): Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Precision, Will, Perception
Instant Fuzion (Fuzion Labs Group): Mental, Combat, Physical, Movement
InvaderZ (Postmortem Studios): Meat, Brain Meat, Expertise, Luck
It Came from the Late, Late, Late Show (Stellar Games): Build, Dexterity, Brains, Looks, Fame
It's a Dog's Life (Beyond Belief Games): Size, Agility, Alertness, Wisdom
James Bond 007 (Victory Games): Strength, Dexterity, Willpower, Perception, Intelligence
John Carter of Mars (Modiphius Entertainment): Cunning, Daring, Empathy, Might, Passion, Reason
John Carter, Warlord of Mars (Heritage Models): Swordsmanship, Finesse, Sixth Sense, Accuracy, Constitution, Morale, Quickness, Noble Heart
Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD (EN Publishing): Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intuition, Logic, Willpower, Charisma, Luck, Reputation, Psionics
Judge Dredd - The Role-Playing Game (Games Workshop): Strength, Initiative, Combat Skill, Drive Skill, Tech Skill, Street Skill, Medical Skill, Psi Skill
Justice Inc. (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Kindred of the East (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Knights of the Round Table (Little Soldier Games): Prowess
Kobolds Ate My Baby! (9th Level Games): Brawn, Ego, Extraneous, Reflexes
Labyrinth Lord (Goblinoid Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Lace & Steel (Pharos Press): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Reason, Intuition, Drive, Charisma, Magical Aptitude
Lain (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Roleplaying (Lamentations of the Flame Princess): Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Wisdom
Land of Og (Wingnut Games): Strength, Brains, Speed, Banging, Health, Grunting
Lands of Adventure (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Craft, Dexterity, Talent, Voice, Intelligence, Prudence, Appearance, Agility, Strength, Constitution, Charisma
Lashings of Ginger Beer (Beyond Belief Games): Tough, Deft, Clever, Charm
Leagues of Adventure (Triple Ace Games): Body, Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Willpower
Legacy (Legacy Press): Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma
Legend of the Five Rings (Alderac Entertainment Group Inc.): Stamina, Willpower, Strength, Perception, Agility, Intelligence, Reflexes, Awareness
Legends of Anglerre (Cubicle 7 Entertainment): [no standard attributes]
Legends of Kralis (Fantasy Makers Industries, LLC): Strength, Stamina, Agility, Perception, Intelligence, Wits, Willpower, Charisma
Lejendary Adventure (Trigee Enterprises Company): Health, Precision, Speed, Intellect (Optional)
Living Legends (UNIgames): Physique, Reflex, Deftness, Intellect, Cool, Vitality
The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game (Decipher Inc.): Bearing, Nimbleness, Perception, Strength, Vitality, Wits
Lords of Creation (The Avalon Hill Game Company): Muscle, Speed, Stamina, Mental, Luck
Lost Souls (Sage Lore Productions, Inc.): Agility, Alertness, Charm, Cunning, Dexterity, Fate, Intelligence, Knowledge, Mechanical, Nature, Stamina, Strength
The Lost World: Jurassic Park Role-Playing Game Book (Putnam Publishing Group): Agility, Strength, Perception, Mind
Macabre Tales (Spectrum Games): Body, Mind, Soul
Macho Women with Guns (BTRC): Strength, Dexterity, Looks, Macho, Health
Maelstrom (Puffin Books; Arion Games): Attack Skill, Defence Skill, Endurance, Speed, Agility, Will, Persuasion, Knowledge, Perception
Maelstrom Companion (Puffin Books; Arion Games): Attack Skill, Defence Skill, Missile Skill, Knowledge, Will, Endurance, Persuasion, Perception, Speed, Agility
Maelstrom Storytelling (Hubris Games): Matter, Mind, Spirit, Chaos
Mage: The Ascension (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Mage: The Awakening (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Mage: The Sorcerer's Crusade (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Maid: The Role-Playing Game: Athletics, Affection, Skill, Cunning, Luck, Will
Man, Myth & Magic (Yaquinto Publications): Strength, Speed, Skill, Endurance, Intelligence, Courage
Marc Miller's Traveller (GDW): Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social Standing
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd.): [no standard attributes]
Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game (Marvel): Melee, Agility, Resilience, Vigilance, Ego, Logic
Marvel Super Heroes (TSR): Fighting, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, Psyche
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game (Marvel): Intelligence, Strength, Agility, Speed, Durability
MasterBook (West End Games): Agility, Dexterity, Endurance, Strength, Intellect, Mind, Confidence, Charisma
Masters of the Universe (FASA Corporation): Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Life Force, Magic
Mean Streets (Deep7): Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower
Mean Streets (Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
The Mechanoid Invasion (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Mechwarrior, 1st Edition (FASA Corporation): Body, Dexterity, Learning Ability, Leadership
Mechwarrior, 2nd Edition (FASA Corporation): Build, Reflexes, Intuition, Learning Ability, Charisma
Mechwarrior, 3rd Edition (FASA Corporation): Strength, Body, Dexterity, Reflexes, Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma, Edge, Social Standing
Meddling Kids (PandaHead Games): Strength, Moves, Smarts, Health
MegaTraveller (GDW): Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social Standing
Megaversal System (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Mekton (R. Talsorian Games): Intelligence, Reflexes, Cool, Technical Ability, Attractiveness, Luck, Body Type, Education, Movement Allowance, Money & Family
Melanda (Wilmark Dynasty): Physical Power, Physical Condition, Manual Dexterity, Agility, Learning & Recall, Mental Prowess
Men in Black (West End Games): Reflexes, Coordination, Strength, Endurance, Knowledge, Perception, Confidence, Charisma
Merc (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Knowledge, Intuition, Past Military Experience
Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes (Flying Buffalo Inc.): Strength, Intelligence, Luck, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, Speed
Mermaid Adventures (Third Eye Games): Body, Mind, Charm, Luck
Metabarons (West End Games): Agility, Knowledge, Perception, Strength, Mechanical, Technical, Psionics
Metamorphosis Alpha (TSR): Radiation Resistance, Mental Resistance, Dexterity, Strength, Leadership Potential, Constitution
Metamorphosis Alpha Universe (Fast Forward Entertainment, Inc.): Constitution, Dexterity, Leadership Potential, Mental Resistance, Radiation Resistance
M-Force (Hex Games): Body, Brain, Nerve
Middle Earth Role Playing (Iron Crown Enterprises): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Intelligence, Intuition, Presence, Appearance
Midnight at the Well of Souls (TAG Industries): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Willpower
Midway City (Spectrum Game Studios): Body, Mind, Style
Millenium's End (Chameleon Eclectic): Intelligence, Sensibility, Agility, Coordination, Constitution, Strength, Personality, Appearance, Bravado, Willpower
Mind's Eye Theatre (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Mind's Eye Theatre: The Requiem (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: The Roleplaying Game (Atomic Sock Monkey Press): [no standard attributes]
Monster Island (Firefly Games): Strength, Reflexes, Health, Mind
Monsters and Other Childish Things (Arc Dream Publishing): Feet, Wits, Hands, Guts, Attention
Monsters and Other Childish Things: The Completely Monstrous Edition (Arc Dream Publishing): Feet, Guts, Hands, Brains, Face
Monsters & Slayers (Atlantis Enterprises): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Intelligence, Luck, Persuasiveness, Attractiveness
Monsters! Monsters! (Flying Buffalo Inc.): Strength, Intelligence, Luck, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Monsters! Monsters!, 2nd Edition (Trollhalla Press Unltd.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Speed, Intelligence, Luck, Wizardry, Charisma
Morpheus (Rapport Games; Crunchy Frog): Imagination, Confidence, Ego, Reputation
Morrow Project (Timeline Ltd.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Accuracy, Charisma, Psi, Luck
Mortal Coil (Galileo Games): Force, Grace, Wits, Will
Mortal Combat (Waynflett House Ltd): Strength, Constitution, Manual Dexterity, Agility, Speed, Looks, Intelligence, Learning, Talent
Mummy: The Resurrection (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Murphy's World (Peregrine): Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma, Mystic, Strength, Dexterity, Fitness, Appearance
Mutant Chronicles (Modiphius Entertainment): Agility, Awareness, Coordination, Intelligence, Mental, Personality, Physique, Strength
Mutant City Blues (Pelgrane Press): [no standard attributes]
The Mutant Epoch (Outland Arts): Endurance, Strength, Agility, Accuracy, Intelligence, Willpower, Perception, Appearance
Mutant Future (Goblinoid Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma
Mutant: Year Zero (Modiphius Entertainment): Strength, Agility, Wits, Empathy
Mythras (The Design Mechanism): Strength, Constitution, Size, Dexterity, Intelligence, Power, Charisma
Naked Sword (Gamelords Ltd.): Strength, Coordination, Reflexes, Stamina, Intelligence, Discretion, Talent, Magic Resistance, Magnetism, Appearance
Nebuleon (HinterWelt Enterprises): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Appearance, Luck, Piety, Will
Neighborhood (Wheaton Publications): Muscles, Brains, Guts, Aim, Speed
N.E.W. (EN Publishing): Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intuition, Logic, Willpower, Charisma, Luck
Nightbane (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
NightLife (Stellar Games): Strength, Dexterity, Fitness, Intellect, Will, Perception, Attractiveness, Luck, Magic Ability
Ninja Burger: The Role-Playing Game (9th Level Games): Strength, Agility, Ki, Extraneous
Ninja Hero (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Ninjas & Superspies (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Nobilis (Pharos Press; Hogshead Publishing, Guardians of Order): Aspect, Domain, Realm, Spirit
No Thank You, Evil! (Monte Cook Games): Tough, Fast, Smart, Awesome
Noumenon (Abstract Nova Entertainment LLC): Awareness, Violence, Activity, Wisdom, Personality, Chitin, Metamorphosis, Communion, Rapport
N.O.W. (EN Publishing): Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intuition, Logic, Willpower, Charisma, Luck, Chi
Now Playing (Carnivore Games): Brawn, Agility, Stamina, Reasoning, Perception, Will
Numenera (Monte Cook Games): Might, Speed, Intellect
Obsidian: The Age of Judgement (Apophis Consortium): Dexterity, Strength, Mechanical, Knowledge, Perception, Mind
Og: The Role Playing Game (Wingnut Games): Strength, Brains, Speed, Hitting, Health
Og: Unearthed Edition (Firefly Games): Attack, Unggghh Points, Damage, Dodge/Evade
O.L.D. (EN Publishing): Strength, Agility, Endurance, Logic, Intuition, Willpower, Charisma, Luck, Magic
On Her Majesty's Arcane Service (Flying Mice): STR, COOR, AGY, END, CHAR, INT, MAG, LUCK, IQ
The Original Flatland Role Playing Game (Marcus L. Rowland): Sides, Mind, Body
Ork (Green Ronin Publishing): Meat, Bones, Twitch, Mojo
Outgunned (Two Little Mice): Brawn, Nerves, Smooth, Focus, Crime
Over the Edge (Atlas Games): [no standard attributes]
Palladium Fantasy (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Paranoia (West End Games): Strength, Endurance, Agility, Dexterity, Moxie, Chutzpah, Mechanical Aptitude, Power
Paranoia, Red Clearance Edition (Mongoose Publishing): Violence, Brains, Chutzpah, Mechanics
Paranoia XP (Mongoose Publishing): Management, Stealth, Violence, Hardware, Software, Wetware
Pathfinder (Paizo Publishing): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma
Paths of Sorcery (Gamelords Ltd.): Strength, Coordination, Reflexes, Stamina, Intelligence, Discretion, Talent, Magic Resistance, Magnetism, Appearance
Pax Gladius (Deep7): Vigor, Splendor, Scheming, Acumen
PDQ System [see Prose Descriptive Qualities System]
Pendragon (Green Knight Publishing; Arthaus, Inc.): Size, Dexterity, Strength, Constitution, Appearance
Phantasy Conclave (Phantasy Conclave): Physique, Intellect, Wisdom, Dexterity, Endurance, Appearance
Pie Shop (Corone Design): [no standard attributes]
Pirates & Plunder (Yaquinto Publications): Strength, Agility, Vision, Hearing, Constitution, Stamina, Wounds, Swim, Drink, Fervor, Intelligence
Pirates of the Spanish Main (Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.): Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor
Pocket Warrior (Plaid Rabbit): Strength, Coordination, Intelligence, Health
Pokethulhu (Squishy Brain Games; Dork Storm Press): Grade Level, Phys Ed, Pokethulhu Lore, Sanity, Shoplifting, Talking Trash
POW! (aethereal FORGE): Agility, Brawn, Cognition, Damage, Energy, Fellowship
Power Grrrl (aethereal FORGE): Agility, Brawn, Cognition, Damage, Energy, Fellowship
Power Rangers Roleplaying Game (Renegade Game Studios): Strength, Speed, Smarts, Social
Powers & Perils (The Avalon Hill Game Company): Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Will, Eloquence, Empathy, Constitution, Appearance
The Primal Order (Wizards of the Coast): Strength, Health, Reaction, Intelligence, Destiny, Presence, Willpower, Speed
Primeval: The Roleplaying Game (Cubicle 7 Entertainment): Awareness, Coordination, Ingenuity, Presence, Resolve, Strength
The Princess Bride Roleplaying Game (Toy Vault, Inc.): Body, Wits, Heart
Prince Valiant: The Storytelling Game (Chaosium Inc.): Brawn, Presence
Privateers and Gentlemen (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Sense Acuity, Mass, Constitution, Intelligence, Dexterity, Intuition, Charisma
Privateers and Pirates (FJ Gaming): [no attributes]
Promethean: The Created (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Prose Descriptive Qualities System (Atomic Sock Monkey Press): [no standard attributes]
Psi World (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Will, Psionic Power
Pulp Era (Chapter 13 Press; Dilly Green Bean Games): Smarts, Vigor, Charm, Spirit, Brawn, Insight, Dynamism, Quickness
Puppetland (Hogshead Publishing): [no standard attributes]
QAGS (Hex Games): Body, Brain, Nerve
QUERP (Greywood Publishing): Fighting, Magic, Strength, Charisma, Stealth, Knowledge
Questers of the Middle Realms (Silver Branch Games): [no standard attributes]
Rasslin' (Hex Games): Body, Brain, Nerve
Realms of Wor (Three Sages Games): Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intellect, Beauty, Ego, Insight, Charisma, Size
Recon (Role Playing Games, Inc.; Palladium Books): Strength, Alertness, Agility
Red Dwarf (Deep7): Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower
Renegade Legion: Legionnaire (FASA Corporation): Agility, Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence Quotient, Luck, Speed, Strength
Rêve: The Dream Ouroboros (Malcontent Games): Size, Appearance, Constitution, Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Sight, Hearing, Smell-Taste, Will, Intellect, Empathy, Dream, Luck, Melee, Missile, Throw, Stealth
Revolutionary Girl Utena (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
The Riddle of Steel (Driftwood Publishing): Strength, Agility, Toughness, Endurance, Health, Will Power, Wit, Mental Aptitude, Social, Perception
Rifts (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Ringworld (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Mass, Constitution, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Appearance, Education
Robert E. Howard's Conan (Modiphius Entertainment): Agility, Awareness, Brawn, Coordination, Intelligence, Personality, Willpower
Robotech (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Robot Warrior (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Rocket Age (Cubicle 7): Awareness, Coordination, Ingenuity, Presence, Resolve, Strength
Rogue Trader (Games Workshop): Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, Fellowship
Rolemaster (Iron Crown Enterprises): Agility, Constitution, Memory, Reasoning, Self Discipline, Empathy, Intuition, Presence, Quickness, Strength
Romance of the Perilous Land (Osprey Publishing): Might, Reflex, Constitution, Mind, Charisma
Roma Imperious (HinterWelt Enterprises): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Piety, Will
Rotworld (Goblinoid Games): Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Personality, Willpower, Perception, Luck, Stamina
Rune (Atlas Games): Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Quickness, Intelligence, Perception, Presence, Communication
RuneQuest (Chaosium Inc.; The Avalon Hill Game Company): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Charisma
RuneQuest (Mongoose Publishing): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Size, Intelligence, Power, Charisma
Sailor Moon (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Sandman (Pacesetter, Ltd.): [no standard attributes]
Santa's Soldiers (Deep7): Nimbleness, Strength, Cunning, Christmas Spirit
Santas's Soldiers, 2nd Edition (Deep7): Agility, Dexterity, Perception, Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Christmas Spirit
Savage Worlds (Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.): Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor
Scales & Tales (Kevin Sherry): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Scared Stiff (Guild Hall Press): Weakness, Clumsiness, Ignorance, Cowardice, Paranoia, Superstition
Secrets of Zir'an (Paragon Games): Physique, Mass, Intelligence, Acuity
Serenity Roleplaying Game (Soveriegn Press): Agility, Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence, Willpower
Seven Leagues (Malcontent Games): Head, Heart, Hand
Shades of Earth (HinterWelt Enterprises): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Appearance, Luck, Piety, Will
Shadowrun (FASA, FanPro): Body, Quickness, Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, Willpower, Essence, (Magic)
Shadow, Sword & Spell (Rogue Games, Inc.): Brawn, Quickness, Toughness, Wits, Will
Shady Gulch (Politically Incorrect Games): Strength, Dexterity, Perception, Reasoning, Willpower, Reaction, Stamina, Reputation
Shambles (A Terrible Idea): Lurch, Flail, Clutch, Brawn, Chuck, Sense
Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells (Gallant Knight Games): Physique, Agility, Intellect, Willpower
Shatterzone (West End Games): Agility, Dexterity, Endurance, Strength, Intellect, Mind, Confidence, Charisma
Shatterzone, D6 (West End Games): Agility, Strength, Knowledge, Psionics, Perception, Mechanical, Technical
Sherpa (Two Tigers): Profession, Experience, Reasoning, Agility, Strength, Health
Shriek (Deep7): Buffness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Silver Age Sentinels (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Simply Roleplaying! (Microtactix): Strength, Coordination, Intellect, Health
Sir Pellinore's Book (Michael Brines): Strength, Intelligence, Luck, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Six Gun (Deep7): Sturdiness, Purdiness, Craftiness, Brains
Skull & Crossbones (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Constitution, Luck, Leadership
Skyrealms of Jorune (Skyrealms Publishing, Inc.): Constitution, Social, color, Strength, Education, Isho, Speed, Agility, Aim, Learn, Spot, Listen
SLA Industries (Nightfall Games, Ltd.; Hogshead Publishing): Strength, Dexterity, Diagnose, Concentration, Charisma, Physique, Knowledge, Cool
The Slayers (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Small Space (Doc's Games): Physical, Mental
Soap (Wingnut Games): [no standard attributes]
A Song of Ice and Fire (Green Ronin Publishing): Agility, Animal Handling, Athletics, Awareness, Cunning, Deception, Endurance, Fighting, Healing, Language, Knowledge, Marksmanship, Persuasion, Status, Stealth, Survival, Thievery, Warfare, Will
Sorcerer (Adept Press): Stamina, Will, Lore
Sorcery & Super Science! (Expeditious Retreat Press): Combat, Agility, Strength, Fortitude, Reason, Intuition, Willpower
Sovereign Stone (Sovereign Press): Agility, Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence, Willpower
Space: 1889 (GDW): Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intellect, Charisma, Social Level
Space Master (Iron Crown Enterprises): Constitution, Agility, Self Discipline, Memory, Reasoning, Strength, Quickness, Presence, Intuition, Empathy, AP[?]
Space Opera (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Physique, Height, Mass, Strength, Constitution, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, Intuition, Leadership, Bravery, Empathy, Psionics
Space Patrol (Gamescience): Strength, Dexterity, Luck, Constitution, Charisma, Mentality
Space Quest (Tyr Gamemakers Ltd.): Physical Power, Coordination, Speed, IQ, Psi, Empathy, Vitality
SPACERS (Peryton Publishing): Strength, Constitution, Speed, Dexterity, Intelligence, Luck, Will, Charisma
Spaceship Zero (Green Ronin Publishing): Brawn, Brains, Balance, Bravado
The Spawn of Fashan (Games of Fashan): Strength, Dexterity, Reflexes, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma, Courage, Senses
Spirit of the Century (Evil Hat Productions): [no standard attributes]
Spookshow (Clockworks Games): Strength, Speed, Semblance, Awareness, Association, Aptitude, Cohesion, Creation, Control
Squadron UK (Simon Burley Productions): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility
Stalking the Night Fantastic (Tri Tac Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Luck, Charisma, Throw, Accuracy, Dodge, Hit Points, Sensitivity, Magic Resistance, Piety, Magic, Psionics
Star Ace (Pacesetter, Ltd.): Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Personality, Willpower, Perception, Luck, Stamina
Starblazer Adventures (Cubicle 7 Entertainment): [no standard attributes]
StarCluster (Flying Mice): Strength, Coordination, Agility, Endurance, IQ, Psionics, Rank, Charisma
Starfaring (Flying Buffalo Inc.): Mentality, Psi, Psi Use, Psi Recovery, Physique, Health (Robots: Mentality, Charge, Efficiency)
Starfleet Voyages (Terra Games Co.): Strength, Dexterity, Luck, Mentality, Charisma, Constitution
Star Frontiers (TSR): Strength/Stamina, Dexterity/Reaction Speed, Intuition/Logic, Personality/Leadership
Star Hero (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Star Legion (Deep7): Sturdiness, Looks, Craftiness, Brains
Star Patrol (Gamescience): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, Luck, Mentality
Star Rovers (Archive Miniatures and Game Systems): Strength (Length, Build, Fitness), Constitution (Health, Endurance, Vitality), Dexterity (Knack, Agility, Speed), Rationality (Memory, Logic, Curiosity), Irrationality (Luck, Imagination, Awareness), Judgement (Insight, Instinct, Synthesis), Courage (Fortitude, Will, Daring), Qualities (Mercy, Amnesty, Tolerance), Temperament (Outlook, Humor, Patience), Charisma (Appearance, Eloquence, Magnetism), Scruples (Loyalty, Beliefs, Honesty), Motivation (Ambition, Pride, Selfness)
Starships & Spacemen (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Charisma, Psionic Potential, Strength/Hits, Loyalty
StarSIEGE: Event Horizon (Troll Lord Games): Physique, Reflexes, Knowledge, Savvy, Confidence, Empathy
Star Thugs (GhazPORK Industrial): Engineering, Piloting, Mojo, Thuggery
Stars Without Number (Sine Nomine Publishing): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma
Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier (Heritage Models): Strength, Mentality, Luck, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma
Star Trek Adventures (Modiphius Entertainment): Control, Daring, Fitness, Insight, Presence, Reason
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game (FASA Corporation): Strength, Endurance, Intellect, Dexterity, Charisma, Luck, Psionic Potential
Star Trek Role-Playing Game (Last Unicorn Games): Fitness, Coordination, Intellect, Presence, Psi
Star Trek Roleplaying Game (Decipher Inc.): Strength, Agility, Intellect, Vitality, Presence, Perception
Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (West End Games): Dexterity, Perception, Knowledge, Strength, Mechanical, Technical
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion (Fantasy Flight Games): Brawn, Agility, Intellect, Cunning, Willpower, Presence
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (Fantasy Flight Games): Brawn, Agility, Intellect, Cunning, Willpower, Presence
Star Wars: Force and Destiny (Fantasy Flight Games): Brawn, Agility, Intellect, Cunning, Willpower, Presence
Star Wreck Roleplaying Game (Energia Productions): Stupidity, Obliviousness, Clumsiness, Repulsiveness, Weakness
Stormbringer (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Charisma
Stormrift (Precis Intermedia): Fitness, Awareness, Creativity, Reasoning, Influence
Story Engine Universal Rules (Hubris Games): Matter, Mind, Spirit, Chaos
Storyteller System (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Street Fighter (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
StuperPowers (Wingnut Games): [no standard attributes]
Superbabes: The Femforce RPG (Leisure Games): Muscles, Health, Moves, Brains, Will, Personality, Looks
The Supercrew (Kaleidoskop): [no standard attributes]
Superhero 2044 (Gamescience): Vigor, Stamina, Endurance, Mentality, Charisma, Ego, Dexterity
Supernatural Roleplaying Game (Margaret Weis Productions): Agility, Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence, Willpower
Supers (Beyond Belief Games): Composure, Fortitude, Reaction, Will
Superworld (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Appearance
Swansong (Prince of Darkness Games): Physique, Agility, Psyche
Sweet Chariot (Flying Mice): Strength, Coordination, Agility, Endurance, IQ, Psionics, Rank, Charisma
The Swing (93 Games Studio): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wits, Perception, Intuition, Charisma, Attitude
Swordbearer (Heritage Models; Fantasy Games Unlimited): Mass, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Age, Combat Quickness, Social Status
Swords & Wizardry (Mythmere Games): Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Swords of the Middle Kingdom (Guardians of Order): Skill, Muscle, Speed, Toughness, Brains, Cool, Chi
Symbaroum (Free League Publishing): Accurate, Cunning, Discreet, Persuasive, Quick, Resolute, Strong, Vigilant
Systems Failure (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Tails of Equestria: The Storytelling Game (River Horse Games): Body, Mind, Charm
Tales from the Floating Vagabond (The Avalon Hill Game Company): Strength, Nimble, Aim, Smarts, Cool, Common Sense
Tales from the Loop (Free League Publishing): Body, Tech, Heart, Mind
Tales from the Wood (Beyond Belief Games): Toughness, Sturdiness, Nimbleness, Craftiness, Viciousness, Alertness, Luckiness
Tales of Gaea (HinterWelt Enterprises): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Appearance, Luck, Piety, Will
Talislanta, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Editions (Bard Games; Wizards of the Coast; Morrigan Press): Intelligence, Will, Perception, Charisma, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Speed
Talislanta, 4th Edition (Shootingiron Design): Intelligence, Perception, Will, Charisma, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Speed, Combat Rating, Magic Rating, Hit Points
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Palladium Books): Intelligence Quotient, Mental Endurance, Mental Affinity, Physical Strength, Physical Prowess, Physical Endurance, Physical Beauty, Speed
Teenagers from Outer Space (R. Talsorian Games): Smarts, Bod, R.W.P. [Relationship with Parents], Luck, Driving, Looks, Cool, Bonk
Tekumel: Empire of the Petal Throne (Guardians of Order): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Psyche, Charisma, Willpower
Tenchi Muyo (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind Soul
Tephra (Parlor Gaming): Brute, Cunning, Science, Dexterity, Spirit
Terra Incognita (Grey Ghost Press, Inc.): Perception, Reasoning, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Vigor
Terra Primate (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Theatrix (Backstage Press): Strength, Stamina, Coordination, Intellect, Intuition, Presence
Thieves' Guild (Gamelords Ltd.): Strength, Coordination, Reflexes, Stamina, Intelligence, Discretion, Talent, Magic Resistance, Magnetism, Appearance
Thousand Suns (Rogue Games; Grognardia Games): Body, Dexterity, Perception, Presence, Will
Three Sixteen (BoxNinja): Fighting Ability, Non-Fighting Ability
Thunderbirds: The Roleplaying Game (Modiphius Entertainment): [no standard attributes]
Tibet the Role Playing Game (Vajra Enterprises): Agility, Awareness, Charm, Endurance, Intelligence, Karma, Speed, Strength, Willpower, Blood, Body, Incapacity
Time Lord (Doctor Who Books): Strength, Control, Size, Weight, Move, Knowledge, Determination, Awareness
Timemaster (Pacesetter Ltd.): Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Personality, Willpower, Perception, Luck, Stamina
A Time of War (Catalyst Game Labs): Strength, Body, Reflexes, Dexterity, Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma, Edge
Timeship (Yaquinto Publications): Speed, Endurance, Intelligence, Strength, Dexterity, Agility
TimeWatch (Pelgrane Press): [no standard attributes]
Tomorrow Knights (Z-Man Games & Spectrum Game Studios): Body, Mind, Style
Toon (Steve Jackson Games): Muscle, Zip, Smarts, Chutzpah
Top Secret (TSR): Physical Strength, Charm, Willpower, Courage, Knowledge, Coordination
Torg (West End Games): Dexterity, Strength, Toughness, Perception, Mind, Charisma, Spirit
To the Stars, Stellar Cadets (Farsight Games): Skill, Strength, Smarts
Trail of Cthulhu (Pelgrane Press): [no standard attributes]
Transformers Roleplaying Game (Renegade Game Studios): Strength, Speed, Smarts, Social
Traveller, 4th Edition [see Marc Miller's Traveller]
Traveller, Classic (GDW; Far Future Enterprises): Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, Education, Social Standing
Traveller: The New Era (GDW): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Intelligence, Education, Charisma
Trigun (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Trinity (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Tri-Stat dX (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Tri-Stat System (Guardians of Order): Body, Mind, Soul
Truth & Justice (Atomic Sock Monkey Press): [no standard attributes]
Tunnels & Trolls (Flying Buffalo Inc.): Strength, Intelligence, Luck, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma
Tunnels & Trolls, Deluxe (Flying Buffalo Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Speed, Intelligence, Wizardry, Luck, Charisma
TWERPS (Reindeer Games; Gamescience): Strength
Twilight 2000 (GDW): Strength, Agility, Constitution, Intelligence, Education, Charisma
Twilight 2000, 4th Edition (Free League Publishing): Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Empathy
Two-Fisted Tales (Spectre Press; Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Brains, Luck, Mind, Muscle, Reflexes, Savvy, Status, Weird
Unbidden (Politically Incorrect Games; Precis Intermedia): Strength, Dexterity, Perception, Reasoning, Willpower, Reaction, Mythos
¡Uncle Cucuy's Lucha Libre! (Fabled Worlds Games): Strength, Agility, Stamina
Undiscovered (Eilfin Publishing): Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, Spirit, Agility, Dexterity, Charm, Luck
Unisystem (Eden Studios): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower
Universe (SPI): Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Mental Power, Leadership, Empathy, Aggression
Unknown Armies (Atlas Games): Body, Speed, Mind, Soul
Usagi Yojimbo (Sanguine Productions Limited): Body, Speed, Mind, Will
Vaesen (Free League Publishing): Physique, Precision, Logic, Empathy
Valley of the Pharaohs (Palladium Books): Strength, Speed, Intellect, Power, Persona
Vampire: The Dark Ages (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Vampire: The Masquerade (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Vampire: The Requiem (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
The Veggie Patch (Polgarus Games): Interaction, Manipulation, Move, Smarts, Strength
Villains & Vigilantes (Fantasy Games Unlimited): Strength, Endurance, Agility, Intelligence, Charisma
vs. Monsters (Ronin Arts): Fighting, Defending, Thinking, Running
Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, 1st Edition (Games Workshop; Hogshead Publishing): Movement, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Wounds, Initiative, Agility, Dexterity, Leadership, Intelligence, Cool, Willpower, Fellowship
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 2nd Edition (Black Industries): Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, Willpower, Fellowship
Warrior, Rogue & Mage (Stargazer Games): Warrior, Rogue, Mage
Waste World (Manticore Productions Limited): Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Power, Movement Rate, Life Force
Wayfarers (Ye Olde Game Companye): Agility, Endurance, Intellect, Presence, Strength
Weapons of the Gods (Eos Press): Might, Speed, Presence, Genius, Wu Wei
WEGS (GameWick Games): Prowess, Ruggedness, Stealth, Ingenuity, Grace, Sanity
Werewolf: The Apocalypse (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Werewolf: The Dark Ages (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Werewolf: The Forsaken (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
Werewolf: The Wild West (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Western Hero (Hero Games): Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body Pips, Intelligence, Ego, Presence, Comeliness
Wild Talents (Arc Dream Publishing): Body, Coordination, Sense, Brains, Command, Cool
WitchCraft [see CJ Carella's WitchCraft]
The Witcher (R. Talsorian Games): Intelligence, Reflexes, Dexterity, Body, Speed, Empathy, Craft, Will, Luck
Witch Hunt (StatCom Simulations Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Speed, Agility/Dexterity, Comeliness, Wit, Knowledge, Intuition, Will, Wisdom
Witch Hunter: The Invisible World (Paradigm Concepts): Strength, Agility, Toughness, Education, Reason, Will, Courage, Intuition, Personality
World of Darkness (White Wolf): Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
The World of Synnibarr (Real Dream Inc.; Wonderworld): Constitution, Wisdom, Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, Ego, Aura
World of Warcraft (Sword & Sorcery Studios): Strength, Stamina, Agility, Intellect, Spirit, Charisma
Worlds of Wonder (Chaosium Inc.): Strength, Constitution, Size, Intelligence, Power, Dexterity, Charisma
World Tree (Bard Bloom and Victoria Borah Bloom): Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Agility, Perception, Faith, Memory, Wits, Will, Charisma
Wraith: The Oblivion (White Wolf): Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Xenoforce (Dragon Games): Strength, Perception, Constitution, Agility, Influence
X-plorers (Grey Area Games): Agility, Intelligence, Physique, Presence
Xpress (Postmortem Studios): Charm, Control, Resolve, Dexterity, Intelligence, Perception, Resilience, Resistance, Speed, Strength
Zorro: The Roleplaying Game (Gallant Knight Games): Agility, Brawn, Knowledge, Perception, Charm
All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Updated 9 October 2024.
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