What started as a joke continues as a joke, and I make no recommendations whatsoever to use any of these unconventional trait ladders in Fudge (except the first). In fact, I think it is counterproductive to introduce a multitude of different trait ladders as it does nothing but create confusion. Nonetheless, here are four more for your amusement.
The first is a slight modification of the Not-So-Very-Varied Trait Ladder. Some players don't feel quite right about not having a Legendary trait level, so instead of adding Very to each additional level above Superb, Legendary is situated above Superb and each level above that adds another Very. The same is done with sub-Terrible trait levels and the substitution of Abysmal.
Fudge Traits | # | Epic Not-So-Very-Varied Traits |
Superb +4 | +7 | Very Very Very Legendary |
Superb +3 | +6 | Very Very Legendary |
Superb +2 | +5 | Very Legendary |
Superb +1 | +4 | Legendary |
Superb | +3 | Superb |
Great | +2 | Great |
Good | +1 | Good |
Fair | 0 | Fair |
Mediocre | -1 | Mediocre |
Poor | -2 | Poor |
Terrible | -3 | Terrible |
Terrible -1 | -4 | Abysmal |
Terrible -2 | -5 | Very Abysmal |
Terrible -3 | -6 | Very Very Abysmal |
Terrible -4 | -7 | Very Very Very Abysmal |
The All American Trait Ladder
Here is the trait ladder for Americans of the Great Depression and Second World War. This is the language of gangsters and coppers, flappers and mols, GIs and MPs, the Three Stooges and Our Gang. It's the Common Man's trait ladder, and it's Swell, see? And don't let any Lousy bum tell you differently. Besides, that palooka is only a So-So boxer and you're, well, you're O.K. with your mitts. Sure, you can take him. Oh, you mean the bruiser over there? He's Pretty Good in a fight. Nice knowing ya, pal. Good luck. Gotta go. So long!
Fudge Traits | # | All American Traits |
Superb | +3 | Terrific |
Great | +2 | Swell |
Good | +1 | Pretty Good |
Fair | 0 | O.K. |
Mediocre | -1 | So-So |
Poor | -2 | Lousy |
Terrible | -3 | Rotten |
The Proper Lady's Trait Ladder
To suggest that a proper lady is only able to distinguish between what is proper and improper would be far from correct. A proper lady has an extensive vocabulary with which to describe her trials and tribulations as well as her triumphs. It would be most vexing indeed if one were limited to a mere two words; two words would be less than advantageous if they were one's sole means of supporting oneself in a cruel world. Turbulent is the life of a proper lady who is forced to contend with the daily indignities of dealing with Dreary household servants, common labourers with Ghastly manners, and nieces who are Atrociously difficult to match with gentleman callers. O, to be extricated from that undeserving fate and elevated to her proper place! -- such is the conundrum uppermost in her thoughts. A proper lady, a lady of society, ought to be able to expect, quite reasonably, to concern herself exclusively with attending Lovely parties in the company of other personages of importance like herself.
Fudge Traits | # | Traits for Proper Ladies |
Superb | +3 | Divine |
Great | +2 | Lovely |
Good | +1 | Acceptable |
Fair | 0 | Tolerable |
Mediocre | -1 | Dreary |
Poor | -2 | Ghastly |
Terrible | -3 | Atrocious |
The Cold and Analytical Trait Ladder
[To be recited in a monotone.]
This trait ladder is stripped of unnecessary sentimentality. Do not expect this trait ladder to generate an emotional response or any other human weakness. The function of this trait ladder is to achieve Maximum efficiency. Inefficiency must be eliminated. To operate at less than Standard Capacity is to be inefficient. Most human capabilities are Below Standard; many are Well Below Standard. Therefore, humans are inefficient. Inefficiency must be eliminated. Now processing data...
Fudge Traits | # | Cold & Analytical Traits |
Superb | +3 | Maximum [Capacity] |
Great | +2 | Well Above Standard [Capacity] |
Good | +1 | Above Standard [Capacity] |
Fair | 0 | Standard [Capacity] |
Mediocre | -1 | Below Standard [Capacity] |
Poor | -2 | Well Below Standard [Capacity] |
Terrible | -3 | Minimum [Capacity] |
[Originally posted in Fudgery.net in 2006.]